Future Energy Division

Name Position   Research Keyword Ext. Lab. HP
Yukitaka Kato Director Professor Energy Conversion, Energy Storage, Chemical Heat Pump, Carbon Recycling Energy System, Hydrogen Energy, Nuclear Energy Utilization System 2967 More Info.Lab. HP
Junichiro Otomo Professor School of Environment and Society /
Energy conversion chemistry, Electrochemistry, Reaction engineering, Energy system design
3971 More Info.Lab. HP
Takehiko Tsukahara Professor Organic-Inorganic Hybrid, Micro-Nano Chemistry, Environmental science, Analytical chemistry, Rare Metal, Radiochemistry, Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Radioactive Waste Management 3067 More Info.Lab. HP
Yoichi Murakami Professor CO2 Adsorbent Development, Materials Development for Batteries, Thermal Energy Harvesting & Storage, Photon Upconversion 3836 More Info.Lab. HP
Toshiyuki Yokoi Professor Zeolite, Nanospace Catalysis, Catalytic technology for decarbonization and resources recycling, Green sustainable chemistry 5430 More Info.Lab. HP
Hiroki Takasu Associate Professor Energy Conversion, Thermochemical Energy Storage, Chemical Heat Pump, Carbon Dioxide Absorption 2683 More Info.Lab. HP
Riku Enomoto Associate Professor Thermal Energy Harvesting, Photon Upconversion 2507 More Info.Lab. HP
Shigehiko Funayama Assistant Professor Thermochemical energy storage, Chemical heat pump, CO2 capture 3865 More Info.
Ryoji Kanno Institute Professor Energy conversion, Energy storage devices, Solid State Ionics, All-solid-state batteries 5401 More Info.Lab. HP
Keigo AKIMOTO Specially Appointed Professor Energy Systems Engineering,Climate Change Mitigation Measures and Policy Assessment   More Info.
Hiroshi Asano Specially Appointed Professor Energy systems engineering, power system economics, power systems, demand response, distributed energy resources, advanced energy networks   More Info.
Takuya Oda Specially Appointed Professor Energy System Analysis, Optimization, Power Systems, Distributed Energy Resources, Demand Response, Energy Storage   More Info.
Ken Koyama Specially Appointed Professor Energy Security, Climate Change Policy, Energy Policy, Energy Geopolitics, Energy Industry, Energy Market Analysis, International Energy Governance   More Info.
Takao NAKAGAKI  Specially Appointed Professor CCUS, Thermochemical Energy Storage, Fuel Cells, Process Simulation of Iron and Steel Making   More Info.
Tsuyoshi Fujita Specially Appointed Professor Decarbonizing Demonstration Region Planning Syste, Circulating Symbiosis Sphere, SDGs Future City Evaluation, Urban Industrial Symbiosis, Eco-Industrial Developments   More Info.
Atsushi Morihara Specially Appointed Professor Chemical Plant Systems, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Decomposition Technology, Semiconductor Process Emission Abatement, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Decomposition Technology   More Info.

Cooperating Faculty

Name Position   Affiliation / Research Keyword Ext. Lab. HP
Hajime Arai Professor School of Materials and Chemical Technology /
Rechargeable batteries, electrochemistry, material science, advanced
5406 More Info.Lab. HP
Naoto Ohtake Professor Institute of Innovative Research /
Surface treatment, Low-friction coating, wear resistance, carbon film
5078 More Info.Lab. HP
Mika GOTO Professor School of Environment and Society /
Productivity, Economic Efficiency,  Eco-Efficiency,  ESG
8743 More Info.Lab. HP
Kan Tanaka Professor Institute of Innovative Research /
Algae, Microbiology, Regulation of Energy Metabolism, Environmental Response, photosynthesis
5274 More Info.Lab. HP
Takeshi Nakajima Professor Institute for Liberal Arts /
politics, nationalism, religion
2363 More Info.Lab. HP
Michikazu Hara Professor Institute of Innovative Research /
Catalyst, Ammonia
5311 More Info.Lab. HP
Yoshihiro Mizutani Professor School of Engineering /
Structural health assessment, nondestructive testing, structural health monitoring, hydrogen tanks for fuel cell vehicles, AI application to the maintenance field
3195 More Info.Lab. HP
Junko Morikawa Professor School of Materials and Chemical Technology / measurement of thermal energy,  measurement of thermal energy
2497 More Info.Lab. HP
Takeo Ymaguchi Professor Institute of Innovative Research /
Water electrolysis materials and systems,  fuel cell materials and systems,  polymer electrolyte membranes,  electro-catalysts,  functionalized membranes,  water treatment
5254 More Info.Lab. HP
Akira Yamada Professor School of Engineering /
Solar cells, Photovoltaics
2698 More Info.Lab. HP
Ichiro Yamanaka Professor School of Materials and Chemical Technology /
Electroreduction of CO2, Electrocatalysis, Chemical conversion, Organic hydride, Methane conversion
2144 More Info.Lab. HP
Akitoshi Okino Associate Professor Institute of Innovative Research /
Atmospheric plasma, Material surface treatment, Plasma spectrometry
5688 More Info.Lab. HP
Takuya Harada Associate Professor School of Materials and Chemical Technology /
Highly Efficient CO2 Capture, Carbon Neutral
3292 More Info.
Sachiko Matsushita Associate Professor School of Materials and Chemical Technology /
Thermal energy conversion, semiconductor-sensitized thermal cell (STC), renewable energy, electrochemistry, colloidal chemistry
5163 More Info.Lab. HP

Nuclear Energy Division

Name Position   Research Keyword Ext. Lab. HP
Toru Obara Professor Innovative nuclear system, Fukushima-Daiichi NPPs decommission, Reactor physics 2380 More Info.Lab. HP
Yoshinao Kobayashi Professor Safety Metallurgy for Nuclear Reactors, Phase Stability, Degradation of Materials in Reactors, Waste Management 3075 More Info.Lab. HP
Hiroshi Sagara Professor Nuclear safety, security and non-proliferation (3S), Reactor design for high-level-waste transmutation, Non-destructive assay technology 3074 More Info.Lab. HP
Noriyasu Hayashizaki Professor Particle accelerators, Radiofrequency cavities, Accelerator based neutron sources 3055 More Info.
Yoshihisa Matsumoto Professor Radiation Biology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Cancer Radiotherapy, DNA Damage/Repair, Low Dose/Low Dose Rate Radiation 2273 More Info.Lab. HP
Katsumi Yoshida Professor Severe environment resistant materials, Materials for nuclear and fusion applications, Ceramic-based composites, High performance porous ceramics 2960 More Info.Lab. HP
Hiroshi Akatsuka Associate Professor Plasma Diagnostics, plasma Spectroscopy, Laser Engineering, Atomic and Molecular Processes in Plasmas 3379 More Info.Lab. HP
Tatsuya Katabuchi Associate Professor Study on Neutron Capture Reaction, Development of an Imaging System for Online Dosimetry in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy 3378 More Info.Lab. HP
Hiroshige Kikura Associate Professor Nuclear Reactor Safety, Process Control and Measurement System, Thermal Hydraulics, Safe Transport of Radioactive Material 3058 More Info.Lab. HP
Masatoshi Kondo Associate Professor Fusion reactor technology, Fast reactor technology, Coolant technology, Material compatibility, Liquid metal technology, Molten salt technology 3065 More Info.Lab. HP
Koichiro Takao Associate Professor Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Actinide Chemistry, Ionic Liquid, Treatment and Disposal of Radioactive Wastes, Decontamination, Complex Catalyst, Separation of Nuclides, Reactor Hydrochemistry 2968 More Info.Lab. HP
Hiroaki Tsutsui Associate Professor Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion, Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage system 3465 More Info.Lab. HP
Masahiko Nakase Associate Professor Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Backend Technology, Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuels, Separation (Solvent Extraction, Adsorption), Synthesis, Waste Management 3992 More Info.Lab. HP
Jun Hasegawa Associate Professor Plasma physics and engineering, quantum beam science, high-energy density physics, radiation physics, laser ablation, high-power beam 3070 More Info.Lab. HP
Shintaro Yasui Associate Professor Ceramics synthesis, Functional oxide materials, Energy conversion materials, Energy storage materials, Ferroelectric materials, Secondary-battery materials 3060 More Info.Lab. HP
Shota Ikeda Assistant Professor Ion linac, Quantum Beam, Radiology applications 3055 More Info.
Chikako Ishizuka Assistant Professor Nuclear data, Nuclear reaction, Nuclear equation of state,Theoretical nuclear physics, Nuclear astrophysics 3378 More Info.
Naokazu Idota Assistant Professor Micro-Nano Fluidics, Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Material, Stimuli-Responsive Polymers 3067 More Info.Lab. HP
Mikio Shimada Assistant Professor Radiation Biology, DNA damage response, Cell cycle checkpoint, Genome instability, Centrosome, Developmental biology 3703 More Info.Lab. HP

Other Faculty

Name Position   Research Keyword Ext. Lab. HP
Masahiro Okamura Specially Appointed Professor Particle accelerator, Laser, Neutron, Plasma 3055 More Info.Lab. HP
Kenji Takeshita Specially Appointed Professor Nuclear Chemical Engineering, Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Fuel Reprocessing, Nuclide Separation (MA, Cs, Sr, Tc, PGM), Isotope Separation, Metal Recycling 3845 More Info.Lab. HP
Tadashi Narabayash Specially Appointed Professor Thermal-Hydraulics, Gas-liquid Two phase Flow, Maintenance Technology, Boiling Water Reactor (BWR), SMR/MMR, Load following, Renewable energy symbiotic reactor 2867 More Info.
Akira Nishimura Specially Appointed Professor Coordinator of “Fundamental Nuclear Education Program by Japanese University Network for Global Nuclear Human Resource Development”, Reactor core design, Core analysis method & Nuclear plant maintenance 2188 More Info.Lab. HP
Hidekazu Asano Visiting Professor Radioactive Waste Management, Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste, Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Integration of Front and Back-End Issues for Nuclear Systems 3846 More Info.
Ayumi Itoh Specially Appointed Associate Professor Severe accident, Nuclear reactor safety engineering, Degradation of metallic materials in reactor, Localized equilibrium transport of molten metals, Computational fluid dynamics 3613 More Info.
Hanna Hubarevich Specially Appointed Associate Professor Reduced environmental footprint, Ceramic materials, Synthesis, Nanocarbon structuress 2960 More Info.
Daisuke Nagae Specially Appointed Associate Professor ECR ion source, electron accelerator, nuclear mass, nucleosynthesis 3055 More Info.
Chi Young Han Specially Appointed Associate Professor Nuclear Transmutation, Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Advanced Nuclear Reactor, Atmospheric Dispersion of Radioactive Materials, Non-proliferation 2034 More Info.
Tomohiro Okamura Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Nuclear Energy System, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Simulation, Radioactive Waste Management, Geological Disposal, Distributed Ledger Technology 3846 More Info.

Common Staff

Name Position Ext.
Isao Yoda Senior Technical Specialist 2484
Kazuo Takezawa Technical Specialist 2402
Kenichi Tosaka Technical Specialist 3296
Atsushi Nezu Technical Specialist 3057
Hitoshi Fukuda Technical Specialist 3079
Yuko Suzuki Technical Staff 3082

Administration Office

Name Position Ext.
Mikiko Mochizuki Cheif 3052
Mami Onodera Staff 7698
Sachiko Watanabe Staff 3051
Seiko Yoshikawa Staff 3293
Akiko Mukaeda Staff 7348
Noriko Fujihara Staff 3054